These are Carol BonteKoe's Peace Corps Adventures

Monday, August 14, 2006

okay it costs me like a WHOLE days salary to send these. And I am the only person who still hasn't recieved a Package, a letter, so much as a postcard!!!! These are done till I get something. I get all snotty when the mail comes bragging about how there will be something for me and there is never anything for me. There was a package with no name so I opened it assuming it must before me cuz I hadn't gotten anything. It was books on Middle Earth.... I'm pretty sure they weren't for me!!!
So send something or these are done. And don't assume someone else will take care of this for you because no one has!
I'm waiting.

Oh, P.S. if you mail a package I need like CLean and CLear face wipes. Thanks. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright Carol, so Sara and I were talking just the other day about getting money together to send you a package since it's so expensive to do, but since we've gotten hit with a huge random cable bill and other stuff, it's been a lil' tough. :/
BUT we do plan on sending you stuff for sure, so when you get something from us, individually or collectively, know that it's not because you posted this message! :)
Caitlin :D

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally sent you those books on the middle earth and you didn't even appreciate them! Tisk Tisk I'm upset!

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Carol, You don't know me but I have heard a lot about you. Very interesting place you have gone to, I admire you! Jan or also know as Jenny Jo's grandma

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mom and I sent you a postcard three weeks ago. So I know it is on the way.


9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you received a package yet>? i sent you one.. i won;t tell you what is in it yet... but i am worried. it was like $20 to send it and 20 minutes at the post office getting reamed becuause i did not fill out a customs form and had the address a bit wrong...
i promise you should enjoy it!


6:17 AM  

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