These are Carol BonteKoe's Peace Corps Adventures

Monday, September 25, 2006

Culturally senstive

The words for welding and Swastika in Russian sound suprisingly similiar. They are even next to each other in the Russian-English Dictionary. So if you live with a German family, in a German community, that has lets say a past. Do not shrivel up in Terror because you think your brother said he has a Swastika Exam the next day. If there is one thing they taught me in Training it is to be culturally senstive, no matter what. And I have to admit I might not have been when I thought my brother had a Swastika Exam, the horror on my face was evident and he had to reshow me in the dictionary. Oh, Welding... well welding is fine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haah that is hilarious!!! Sorry I haven't been posting to your past few....I was in Vegas for a week and didn't have the internet. As soon as you get back we are going to Vegas, b/c you would not believe how amazing it is! You would go absolutely insane there! I will have to detail the experience in a letter...until then take care and keep being cultural-sensitive!

8:42 AM  

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