Culturally senstive
The words for welding and Swastika in Russian sound suprisingly similiar. They are even next to each other in the Russian-English Dictionary. So if you live with a German family, in a German community, that has lets say a past. Do not shrivel up in Terror because you think your brother said he has a Swastika Exam the next day. If there is one thing they taught me in Training it is to be culturally senstive, no matter what. And I have to admit I might not have been when I thought my brother had a Swastika Exam, the horror on my face was evident and he had to reshow me in the dictionary. Oh, Welding... well welding is fine.
haah that is hilarious!!! Sorry I haven't been posting to your past few....I was in Vegas for a week and didn't have the internet. As soon as you get back we are going to Vegas, b/c you would not believe how amazing it is! You would go absolutely insane there! I will have to detail the experience in a letter...until then take care and keep being cultural-sensitive!
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