My Purpose Statement
The other day I was having a bit of a crisis. I had my face pressed against the cold glass of the bus and was staring out at the fresh coat of snow. I was thinking, "Why am I here? Why do they need to learn English?" I was praying for God to show me a sign and he sent it. Out the window I saw an ordinary boy walking by and he had on a Red Sweatshirt. It all was so ordinary so not the sign I was asking for till I read his shirt...
In very large block letters his shirt read, "BOB'S WIFE"
ahhh... That is why am here.
classic...I love it!
I miss you and wish you were around for Thanksgiving!
Proud to know you, kid. And proud you're my kid's friend.
Erica's Mom
Ha ha...that rocks my world! Ever see the biker shirts that say "the bitch fell off" on the back? If you see a young girl walking around in a shirt like that, the same purpose statement should start circulating in your head!
Mary Ann
BOB. BOBBBBB!!! o goodness, i must have overlooked this one...i can't stop laughing...
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